T-Pain Called N—A Multiple Times in Call of Duty Battle!
Activision — publisher of Call of Duty — claims that are working hard on the communications functions in games to espouse hate,” the company said Friday.
Well, let’s see, if they deleted the N-word from being used, and anything hateful like the words fag, faggot, ni–a, negro, spick, whop, eggplant, dike, bitch, whore, and other words then they are doing their job. But so far you can say all those words, so how do we abolish racism in games if the makers are allowing those words to be used when battling live online with other players? The game needs to edit the word with oops, so players know they are being racist. Continue on to see how T-Pain won the Call of Duty Twitch session…
@tpainShutting down some racists in Call of Duty
CelebnMusic247.com reports that Activision released the following statement in regards to what happened to T-Pain.
The statement reads:
It is saddening and troubling that some use…We have taken a number of actions to address, including banning thousands of players for racist and hate-oriented names; implementing new technology; and providing even easier ways for players to report offensive behavior.
We will continue to invest in and deploy additional measures aimed not only at enforcement of our policies, but also prevention and education.
The disgusting moment during a video game sesh for T-Pain this month … a group of players hurled the n-word and other racist insults at the singer — and it was all captured on video that’s hard to watch.
It went down when the 35-year-old hopped on a Call Of Duty Twitch stream … when, before a match started, a group of racist scumbags verbally attacked.
In the footage, you can hear players repeatedly call T-Pain the n-word … and, at one point, some of the players even said to the singer, “F*** Black Lives Matter.”
T-Pain was clearly bothered by the racist remarks:
He let out a sigh and said:
Jesus Christ.
He added:
I mean, I don’t know at this point…Randoms.
T-Pain shook it all off, though, and stayed in the game … and tried to make some light of a horrible situation.
The “Bartender” singer — who’s a HUGE video game nut took out every racist piece of shh in the game, helping his team win 200-152, and then he rubbed some salt in his racist opponents’ wounds.
T-Pain said after letting out a long dance
Ladies and gentlemen looks like the n******s win…Stupid idiots!
He continued to say:
Looks like the n*****s took it home. F***ed up. Stupid idiots. F***ing a**holes.
Call of Duty has been silent on the situation.
America do better and Call of Duty fix the damn game. This is a disgrace!