(CelebNMusic247-News) Momma Dee Goes In On Erica:
Momma Dee of Love and Hip Hop Atlanta stopped by Hot 107.5 in Detroit and in true Momma Dee form, she gave us a ear full of behind the scenes drama!!
Here’s the drop:
When interviewed by Kerrie Mitchell she revealed her true feelings about Erica (Scrappy’s on and off fiance). We all thought she hated Scrappy’s last girlfriend Diamond, but now we know Erica is in first place for the title. Momma Dee shares the real reason why she was really mad when Erica ‘left her child for dead’ last season and which of the ladies in Scrappy’s life had ass shots!!
Even Erica’s Momma wasn’t off limits with Momma Dee taking shots at her parenting skills and past drug addiction. Many may not know but Momma Dee also has a daughter who loves life is just as interesting as Scrappy’s! Momma Dee goes clean in on her daughters man too for being a deadbeat. With Momma Dee being all up in her children’s lives, you would think she wouldn’t have time for a man, but she proved us wrong when she showed up to the studio with her young boo thang who ironically is from Detroit.
Will we ever see this man on Love and Hip Hop? She answers that question and how long they have been an item. Something’s telling me Momma Dee is looking for spin off because her boo thang Hugh is stirring up some drama. Judging by these pics, he’s trying to live and Momma Dee doesn’t seem like she’s willing to share if she ain’t around. Sigh… We shall see…
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