John Doe Demanded Usher Turn Over Medical Records to Judge

John Doe Demanded Usher Turn Over Medical Records to Judge

What in the down low is going on with Usher? Now, the man who accused him of giving him herpes in a Korea Town bathhouse in Los Angeles is demanding medical records?

There are two types of herpes. The first type you can catch via oral secretions or sores on the skin can be spread through kissing or sharing objects such as toothbrushes or eating utensils. The second type of herpes is type 2, which one can be infected during sexual contact with someone who has a genital HSV-2 infection, via WebMD. read on…

John Doe Demanded Usher Turn Over Medical Records to has learned that the man revealed that he had relations with Usher in a bathhouse. How does he know it was Usher that gave it to him?

The man who is going as John Doe needs to reveal where his herpes breakout is because that alone would say the most.  The other issue John Doe is having is that Usher apparently is refusing to hand over his medical records.

The “Trading Places” singer has been dealing with these herpes allegations for almost two years now. The first was Quantasia Sharpton’s the most notable one. Then, there is another woman who is a Jane Doe and this man, John Doe.

Raymond has continued to deny all allegations and accusations, but his accusers are still taking him to court over the matter. John Doe’s case hasn’t been publicized as much as Sharpton’s or Jane Doe’s.

The BLAST is reporting that Usher’s male accuser is demanding that the singer turns over his medical records.

John Doe claimed he had sex with Usher at a spa in Los Angeles’ Koreatown. Like the other accusers, he says that the singer put his health at risk by not disclosing his alleged diagnosis.

In the legal documents, John Doe made a request to the judge for Usher to hand over documents and information, specifically the singer’s medical history and possible settlements.

In addition, John Doe claims that Usher also tried to use an attorney-client privilege and physician-patient privilege as a way to not turn over over the medical docs.

John Doe also asked for a protective order over Usher’s medical documents. He says the public circulation of his medical history would also invade his privacy and cause embarrassment.

Usher has previously accused John Doe of harassing him with demands pertaining to the case.

The judge has yet to make a ruling.

About the author


Pete is a California native who has been in the entertainment industry for 20+ years. He is a journalist who covers music, festivals, events, interviews, movie premieres, sports, reality TV, and more.