(CelebNMusic247-News) Joe and Tahiry Rekindle Their Relationship
Joe Budden takes Tahiry Jose up to the mountains to rekindle their relationship and realize that they both still love each other and are willing to give it another go around.
They both admit they’ve come along way and they need to work on things better but they both need each other in their loves to move forward.
To recap:
In the mountains, Joe and Tahiry enter their hotel suite. He’s ready to establish a strong bond, and by that, I mean, he’s ready to knock the boots. She giggles while they exchange sarcastic flirtations, and once again, VH1 thinks the viewers want to be in the bedroom with these folks. Newsflash, we don’t!
We are happy for these two…we love them together so congrats to Joe and Tahiry…Please listen to each other and make it work this time ya’ll!
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