(CelebNMusic247 – News) Black Ink Crew Attack of the Monster In Law
Tonight on Black Ink Crew season 2 finale the episode kicks off with Caesar and Dutchess on the phone.
Caesar had time to think on the beach about his relationship with Dutchess and after all the friendships and relationships ruined by their union he is calling it quits. Dutchess is devastated and tells Caes that she had an attack before leaving Jamaica. He hears what she has to say, but feels its best they just remain friends.
As for O’Sh*t, he is trying to workout his relationship with his new baby mama/current girlfriend so his new baby can grow up in a healthy family environment. For some reason O’Sh*t thinks he can become a better man because having a third baby with a third woman is the answer. We understand why he left Kathie, his high school sweetheart who cheated on him in college while he had to put up with the backlash and jokes that the baby wasn’t his. O’Sh’t finally opened up tonight about his history with Kathie and it all makes sense, but he needs to realize he has to want to become a better man. No one can make him be better until he wants it himself.
Watch when O’Sh*t tries to discuss spending time with his son, the focus turns to his difficult past and present with Kathie.
In the middle of baby mama drama, O’S**t barely makes it to the shop in time to meet his client. When Walt puts him on BLAST, he is FORCED to show up and ink his scheduled client. Where is the professionalism with Black Ink Crew?
Mind you on tonight’s episode he made himself look a fool when he said to his client he understood Budhism. O’Sh*t talks more on his mom dying when he was young which leads us to believe he has abandoment issues because his mother died when he was young. He needs some help to get past this. It’s no ones fault.
The only problem is when asked, why was he allowing drama into his life he answered, it seems to find a way in all the time. WRONG! It’s O’Sh*t allowing all the drama in.
Jump back to Jamaica with Puma and Quanie and the drama with Quanie’s mother who is best described as “the Monster In-Law.” Puma doesn’t need enemies or backstabbers at his wedding, because he already has Quanie’s nasty, rude and way out of line mother. Instead of being there for her daughter, Quanie’s is there to make it all about herself and how she is against the wedding and how she hates Puma.
At the rehersal dinner, there are two empty seats for Quanie’s mother and Grandmother don’t show out of spite. Later, her mother and Grandmother show up with bad attitudes,their faces reek of anger, so to pull Puma’s strings Quanie’s mother makes a spiteful toast which leads to an abrupt exit by the groom himself.
Things only get worse the day of the wedding while Puma is still trying to cool down from Quanie’s mom and her foul behavior. She acts like she cares, but in reality, she hates Puma and the two realize they have to tolerate each other for Quanie and Mya, Puma’s daughter. Things turn left when Puma calls Quanie’s mom on her BS and instead of owning up to her bull, she acts like a caddie, backstabbing manipulative bia…! What are mom’s for?
Jane Fonda was NEVER this bad when she didn’t want her son to marry Jennifer Lopez in Monster-in-Law!
Watch the spark fly:
The season finale concludes with Puma and Quanie getting married on the beach in Jamaica. Her mother is throwing daggars with her eyes while the newly weds say their vows and kiss. All and all her mother keeps quite and Puma and Quanie party the night away until its time for Mr. Nasty time.
The bride and groom finally put a rough series of events behind them and enjoy their walk down the aisle.
Last but not least, Dutchess packs her bags and heads home to North Carolina to be with her family and to finally get her stint placed in her heart. It a long-overdo surgery and Dutchess need to worry about herself.
The last scene of Black Ink Crew season 2 we see Dutchess leaving Harlem. Will she be coming back for another season? Most likely, but we hope the stint helps improve he high and mighty attitude, because we have heard stories about Dutch and how she was so cool, and now that she is on a reality series, she thinks she’s TV royalty. FYI Dutchess, you on Vh1 not NBC, ABC or CBS, so the world still doesn’t know your name!
until Black Ink Crew season 3…
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