R. Kelly Enters NOT GUILTY Plea; He Can’t Fly No More

R. Kelly Trapped In A Jail Cell And He Wants Out

We having BREAKING NEWS on R. Kelly who has reportedly entered a NOT GUILTY Plea to child porn charges after prosecutors reveal they have THREE tapes that show singer raping girl.

In the video, R. Kelly is allegedly seen having sexual relations with a 14-year-old girl who is FORCED to endure ‘sadomasochistic abuse’ by the R&B King. Continue on to get more since R. Kelly enters NOT GUILTY plea…

R. Kelly Can't Fly No More; He Enters NOT GUILTY Plea

CelebNMusic247.com reports that in addition to R. Kelly entering a not guilty plea to child porn charges, he was denied bond on Tuesday at a bail hearing.

Like we said this sounds like the fall of R. Kelly since the prosecution wants to keep Kellz behind bars.

According to reports that the 3 tapes show the singer raping a girl, 14, and then subjecting her to ‘sadomasochistic abuse’ prosecutors revealed in court.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Angel Krull then made a point of stating:

There is no question that it is the defendant [Robert Kelly] on these videos

As for the minor, she refused to testify against Kelly at his 2008 trial.

What we have learned is that she has said under oath that it is her on the singer’s rape tape, and has five corroborating witnesses.

Kelly’s lawyer Steve Greenberg tried to persuade the judge by claiming his client was a broke, family man and confirming the singer is in fact illiterate.

Greenberg said at one point:

Unlike his most famous song – I Believe I Can Fly – Mr. Kelly doesn’t like to fly.

We would like to point out illiteracy has nothing to do with being a pedophile and rapist.

Sorry to say, but if you do enough dirt one day the dirt will penetrate through an everyone will see the truth. It looks like that is happening now.


About the author


Omar, 34, hails from Los Angeles. He is a graduate of the University of Northridge. Omar has been in entertainment for 12 years working in production and writing. Omar who goes by Ocho and keeps you in the know about hip hop, Movies, Reality TV and Sports.