(CelebNMusic247-News) Who Would Win Erica Mena or Erica Dixon?
This season we are putting our very own Love and Hip Hop fights between New York and Atlanta.
We wanna know who you think would win if you put the hot tempered Erica Mena up against Lil Scrappy‘s baby mama Erica Dixon?
Erica Mena wilds out at the drop of a dime. In Love and Hip Hop New York she got gully with Lore’l, attacked Olivia on the reunion and went off on Rich Dollaz to say the least.
But is doesn’t stop there, because Erica also made a fool of herself at an event with Yandy Smith and more, which makes her our first boxer for the LHHNY vs LHHA fights.
As for Erica Dixon, she comes off sweet and demure, but don’t let that Southern hospitality fool you because she obiviously is hood when she needs to be. Let’s be real, she’s with Scrappy and you know he likes his hood chicks, the sweet, pretty and can fight at the sound of a bell ringing!
With the latest headlines Erica Dixon takes our #2 position as fighter this week going up against Erica Mena, since she just whooped Shay’s @ss and cleaned the parking lot with her face.
Yup she got grimy with it and laid her fists to face and now Shay got some cuts and bruises to go with he pouty lips!
We want you to VOTE and let us know which reality chick is going on to the next round!
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