Say Goodbye To Your Freedom Atlanta Hawks Star Mike Scott


Say Goodbye To Your Freedom Atlanta Hawks Star Mike Scott!!!

Mike Scott may have made a bad decision and now we might be saying “Goodbye To Your Freedom Atlanta Hawks Star Mike Scott” since he is facing 25 Years In Jail For Drug Charges. just learned that Mike Scott’s poor decision making may land him behind bars for 25 years. We previously reported that Scott admitted that the drugs were his, but it appears that his admission might be sending him away. Athletes and drugs has really become a problem in sports and lately it has been brought to the forefront thanks to athletes on social media posting incriminating photos of themselves.

Don’t drop the soap bro, or you might have a new man in your life! You don’t wanna be calling his name out at night “Oh Aaron Hernandez (who lawyers were back in court trying to seek dismissal of Boston murder indictment)!” Just saying.

Here is what’s being reported:

Last month the 27 year old Atlanta Hawks star, Mike Scott was arrested when the car he was in was pulled over. Scott is now facing 25 Years In prison for Drug Charges!


Cops found 35.2 grams of marijuana and 10.9 grams of MDMA (Molly) in the vehicle. He was booked on felony drug charges and later released on $8,100 bond. Scott’s younger brother was also arrested.

The charge of MDA possession carries up to a 15 year sentence. The marijuana, up to 10 years.

An initial court date has not been set as the drugs have been sent to an independent lab for processing. The process could take several months.

As of now Scott is still a member of the Hawks team. He could still face disciplinary action, however.
