R. Kelly loved the success of his Trapped in A Closet series, but now R. Kelly is trapped in a jail cell and he isn’t loving any of it!
We have more news on R. Kelly since the last report when he was trying to hire Micheal Jackson’s attorney. Read on to get more details on fallen R&B Star R. Kelly Trapped Jail Cell…

Photo: Courtesy of AP
CelebNMusic247.com has the latest from his Lawyers who have filed an emergency motion on Thursday arguing that the embattled former R&B star should be released from solitary confinement while awaiting trial on child pornography charges.
R. Kelly Trapped in an jail cell and unable to see the light of day, no “meaningful interaction with other humans,” limited email access and is allowed to shower just three times a week according to his lawyers.
Kellz lawyers claim that Robert is being unfairly targeted because of his charges and because of his celebrity status.
Here is what we are hearing from his lawyer about R. Kelly Trapped Jail Cell.
PageSix reports:
Kelly is being held in the Metropolitan Detention Center in Chicago after being arrested by federal authorities on child pornography and sex abuse charges in July.
They also have stated that the Bureau of Prisons determined Kelly could not be held in general population at the prison for his own safety following his arrest.
Instead of putting him on a floor where that is available outside of general population, BOP moved Kelly to “the most restrictive floor,” according to his lawyers.
They wrote in the motion:
In essence, even though he has not violated a single BOP rule, Mr. Kelly is being unconstitutionally punished and segregated from the rest of the prison population.
The motion also states Kelly’s also being denied any access to recreation and fresh air and any access to the prison’s “day room,” where inmates can watch television.
Basically, the BOP is doing Kelly the same way it was explained how he treated the girls locked in his studio on ‘Surviving R. Kelly.’
What are your thoughts about R. Kelly trapped jail cell?