The problem with R. Kelly and women is that he brings out that freak in all of us.
R. Kelly is that hidden desire, the forbidden, and the King of R&B. His music depicts a sexual appetite, his music defines an era of lovemaking and baby making music. Now, he’s deemed a pedophile because what we all knew for years is finally coming to the surface? Read on for more…

We at wants to weigh in on R. Kelly and what he has always been about.
R. Kelly is currently fighting for his freedom. Gloria Allred held another press conference comdeming Kellz, and Michael Avenatti is gunning to be the man who puts him behind bars.
Kellz was release from prison Saturday after he paid his ex-Andrea Kelly$161K in child support. Meanwhile, he has been charged with 10 counts of sexual abuse involving four women and Avenatti says NOT ONLY will he go to jail he will die in prison. What’s worse is that his 2008 attorney said he’s “guilty as hell.”
With that stated it makes us question everyone? Did you ever listen to the lyrics? Did you ever pay attention to what he was singing about? If you were listening, you would realize that he was always singing about forbidden sexual desires. It dates all the way back to his 12 Play album (1993) at the beginning of his career. America are we all blinded by his fame?
“Surviving R. Kelly” brought light back on the situation, and a bunch of millennials has jumped on the bandwagon because they weren’t born when 12 Play came out. They weren’t even a thought when “Down Low” was playing on the radio, but Gloria Allred was? But let’s be real, she doesn’t look like a woman who listened to R&B back then. Allred probably didn’t even know he existed.
Watch the live footage of Kellz in the past year, but he is much more toned down then in the 90s:
R. Kelly makes his fans (girls) tap into that untapped sexual deviance many of us fantasize about.
He’s that hot black dude you don’t bring home to mom and dad. Kellz that secret freak who turns you out sexually, and then you move on. That is the allure of R. Kelly and he knows it. R. Kelly fans aka groupies will always bow down and worship their idol. If that is having sex, then so be it. Let’s be real groupies have been obeying rock stars sexual appetite for decades.
R. Kelly is a known freak. If you have ever seen an R. Kelly concert it’s like watching a pseudo porno live on stage. We have to admit, we’ve seen R. Kelly several times and the performances we FIRE. He’s like watching a hot freaky nasty porn we know we should watch, but we do. His music depicts it all and society knows that
He does what he does best, and that is he reenacts sexual deviance, desire, and freak fantasies.
Anyone who wants to deny who he is and what he does on stage is FULL OF BS!
As for any of the parents who brought their daughters to one of his concerts are IDIOTS. – R. Kelly has been a known sexual performance for over 2 decades. Knowing his concerts are like hard R Rated sexual reenactments on stage, you should NEVER bring a child to his shows. He’s like a male burlesque show on the Las Vegas strip.
Who is to blame? Well it falls on the parents who were dumb enough to bring their daughter to one of his shows.
We blame the father who didn’t tell Kellz people, “NO MY DAUGHTER IS NOT GOING UP ON STAGE WITH HIM.”
We also blame money hungry parents who pimped their daughters to R. Kelly thinking he was going to give “their unknown daughter” a singing career. They’re singing on a MIC now, but it’s not the one on stage. Now, you have Mr. Savage saying he hopes Kelly “Rots in Jail,” but he wasn’t saying that when he thought Kellz was going to give his daughter a career. These days Joycelyn comes off like she’s brainwashed or hypnotized by the D.

Next, we blame R. Kelly for his twisted desires for young women. We know many men who love young women and we find it gross. There is young, and then there is WAY TOO YOUNG. Kellz is the dude you warn your daughter about. The guy who combs the high schools looking to pop a cherry or two. There are many girls who want an older guy to do that. And with R. Kelly out there, many teenager daughters will say “yes” and act out his twisted fantasies. It is NOT right because teenagers want to be adults and don’t have a clue about sexual manipulation just yet.
Who is to BLAME when it comes to R. Kelly?
Blame goes to everyone, especially to the man who just said he had a R. Kelly sex tape in his video collection for years. Is he trying to now claim that the tape is vile? What was he doing years ago when he got the tape? Did he forget receiving it? And why does he have a tape? Apparently he bought it back in the day because he’s a freak too.
We have to really look at all the “so-called” evidence from Michael Avenatti and Gloria Allred because to them this is a historic take down. It will make them famous and they can cash in. Motivation and money make people do ugly things. We are NOT saying R. Kelly is innocent, but why now, why out of nowhere are all these women coming fourth? The MeToo Movement seems to be getting abused with all these claims and people NEED to pay attention.