(CelebNMusic247-News) Monica Reacts To Atlanta Snow Storm
Atlanta’s ability to handle the winter storms may be in questioned but R&B singer Monica reacts to the cold weather with photos of her family.
It’s been reported that Atlanta has already received 3 inches of snow and once again the city is facing a winter storm like the one of 2011 that shut down the city in much the same way.
The big question is Atlanta simply destined to quit functioning every time it gets a few inches of snow?
After Tuesday’s snowfall and the hundreds of thousands of motorists who flooded the metropolitan area’s roadways as the storm was moving in created travel nightmares for commuters, truckers, students and their families.
Al Roker on the Today show pointed out that the traffic nightmare in Atlanta was caused by “poor planning on the mayor and governor’s part.”
While Dalton, Ga., Mayor David Pennington, who’s running against Deal for the Republican gubernatorial nomination responded with the “Government’s primary role is to protect the people; Nathan Deal has failed miserably once again.”
Deal added:
“I’m willing to accept whatever blame comes my way…And if I’m responsible for it, I’ll accept that.”
While the news reports, the Today Show’s Al Rocker debates whose fault the traffic is, Monice took to instgram to post some family photos of her husband and son in the snow.
Monica writes:
“The boys were BEGGING for us to let Laiyah see the snow… She seemed pretty amazed. Maybe more entertained by them Lol thx to her TT @toyawright for her snow bunny gear”
She posted this cute video of her daughter and daddy on Instagram:
“@l_s_brown Daddy, [Shannon Brown] taking Laiyah to experience a little of this snow LOL?? The boys were so excited LOL #5minuteLimit #ItsColdJack LOL”
She captioned the news video of her boys having a snow fight and making snow angels with:
“Momma…. “No Snow Angels” Boys…… “Snow Angels Anyway” LAWD help me??LOL “Go Rock Go Melo”….. I can barely film for Romelo chasing me LOL”
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