(CelebNMusic247-News) Love & Hip Hop Season 3 Finale Recap
While VH1 showed highlights of the show during the season finale, we have what you didn’t see in a last recap from our friends over at RealityTea, who gives the 411 on final episode.
To recap:
Tahiry Jose meets up with Rashidah Ali to rehash her stories from the Dominican Republic. Forget about Tahiry’s charity work or reconciliation with her father, Tahiry only wants to chat about Joe. Rashidah is floored to learn that her friend may still be in love with Joe, and she’s concerned that the two are moving in the wrong direction. During the next commercial break Subway treats us to Tahiry waxing poetic about her charity work in the DR. So, her conversation didn’t make the actual show, but I guess this is better than nothing!
Joe and Raqi Thunda are meeting for lunch where she admits that she tried to apologize to Tahiry to no avail. She doesn’t sugar coat the fact that her effort wasn’t all that heartfelt. Joe wants to send Raqi on a soul searching mission to see how she is her own worst enemy. He wants her to stop blaming Tahiry, Jen Bayer and Consequence for her anger issues, and she gets teary. The former friends are able to hug it out after Raqi comes to the realization that her friendship with Joe is more important than industry connections.
Olivia Longott and Rich are heading to dinner with his friends and Mama Jewel, and he wants to thank everyone for their loyalty during his indiscretions. They tease him unmercifully, but his crew is excited to have him move forward without Erica. He believes his time with Erica was a giant learning experience, and the friends toast to having their old Rich back.
Cons and Jen are having a date night, and he’s trying to prove to her that he can focus on their relationship. He admits that he’ll always bring some stress home, but he’ll make an effort to be less frantic at home. Jen appreciates Cons positive steps, and the couple chats about how they plan to move forward. Cons promises to be more supportive as Jen steps back into the working world. I’m sure they are thrilled they signed up for this show only to get a few minutes of air time each week.
As the finale draws to a close, we’re treated to all of the storylines being tied up with a neat little bow.
Yandy has no plans to stop building her empire, regardless of how long she has to wait for Mendeecees.
Cons is focused on becoming a man who always puts his family first, and Jen has regained confidence in being a career woman.
Raqi is ready to become more centered and not be so reactionary when it comes to work or relationships. She’s primed to do some soul searching, y’all!
Rich has no regrets about working with Erica, but he’s ready to get back on track with his career.
Erica wants to grow up and be a better role model for her son.
Joe and Tahiry continue to work on their hamster wheel of a relationship
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