Love & Hip Hop Recap: Cisco Wants Cyn Santana?!?
Love & Hip Hop kicks off with Cyn heading to the studio to meet with her producer Cisco, but it appears that Cisco has feelings for her and now Cisco Wants Cyn Santana.
Cisco Rosado is the father of a six month year old son and Diamond’s ex, but now Cisco is trying to get with Cyn.
While recording in his studio with Cyn, Cisco decided to make his move on Cyn. In reaction to this, Cyn couldn’t contain her laughter and she ended up turning Cisco down, wanting to keep things professional. But, Cisco is persistent and still going after Cyn, which is leading to the fans on Twitter having more jokes for him.
Let us break it down:
Tonight is Cyn’s tribute for her brother who committed suicide. He event turns out to be a success as all her friends and family are there to support her. Rich, Chrissy and Cisco are in attendance, but Cisco brings her a dozen roses.
His mother told him to slow his role with women until he mans up, but it appears Cyn has what it takes to make his juices boil. After she is done performing her tells her that he really likes her and wants to take things to the next level.
Cyn feels that he is movie too fast and wants him to pump the brakes.
Later Cyn and Precious have a sit down to talk about Rich. Precious tell Cyn that she is going back to her old management team because they want to work with her 100% so she’s dumping Rich. Then she asks Cyn about Cisco and she says he’s cute, but he’s pressing to hard. Plus she works with him and the last time she mixed business with pleasure it didn’t work out.
Will Cyn end up with Cisco or will she keep it professional?
Time will tell…