Kordell Stewart’s Baby Mama Drama Exposed

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(CelebNMusic247-NewsKordell Stewart’s Baby Mama Drama Exposed

Talk about six degrees of seperation, but the Funky Dineva has the tea on Kordell Stewart’s baby mama and wait til you see who it is!

Here’s the dish:

Kordell Stewart’s baby mama is the same woman that Sheree Whitfield was flaunting around on television a few years back on The Real Housewives Of Atlanta.

Y’all remember Tania?

She was the one who offended Lisa Wu-Hartwell by saying she had that “wash & go ” hair. Well I picked up some T’s yesterday on how Tania was supposed to have much larger role and other affiliations on RHOA, but a certain somebody was not to keen on her participating.

Sound familiar?

The word is Tania was supposed to have a much much larger presence on The Real Housewives Of Atlanta, but Kordell Stewart did not want their child amongst other things to be exploited on the show.

They say Kordell would not sign whatever paperwork needed to authorize Syre to participate on the show. Smart move Kordell. If you guys remember correctly, Keith Sweat did the same think to Lisa Wu-Hartwell.

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