(CelebNMusic247-News) Khloe Kardashian Officially Fired:
Back in February we told you that Khloe was relieved of her hosting duties and FIRED from Simon Cowell’s X-Factor, well as of today the rumor has been officialized!
The truth has been said about Khloe Kardashian and her jobless self, well in the world of hosting that is!
Let’s recap the events that lead to Khloe joining the crew of misfits toys stars who have been AXED by Cowell:
First L.A. Reid jumped the Titanic-esque sinking ship that is “The X Factor.”
Then Britney Spears jumped–or maybe she was pushed. And way before that, Season 1?sPaula Abdul, Nicole Scherzinger, and Steve Jones were all shown the Fox exit door. And now it has been confirmed that last year’s co-host, Khloe Kardashian–arguably the least loathable Kardashian, who was presumably drafted by Simon Cowell to boost the show’s ratings (but didn’t)–will not be coming back to “The X Factor” after her one-season run.
Fox reps only issued the following bare-bones statement: “Khloe Kardashian will not be returning to co-host ‘The X Factor.’ We really enjoyed working with her and wish her all the best in her future endeavors.” However, an “X Factor” source did tell Yahoo! Music’s Reality Rocks: “She was not asked back to the show.”
So apparently the new single by “X Factor” finalists Emblem3, “Chloe (You’re the One That I Want),” has absolutely nothing to do with the trio’s similarly named former Season 2 co-star. Thanks for clearing that up, Fox.
Seriously, the employee turnover rate at “The X Factor” has become about as rapid as it is at one’s local McDonald’s. However, along with judge Demi Lovato, who recently announced that she is officially returning for “The X Factor” Season 3, Khloe’s congenial co-star Mario Lopez will also be back to host the show this fall. “I’m looking forward to returning to ‘The X Factor’ team,” Mario said in a Fox-issued statement. “We’re coming back stronger and better than ever and I’m excited to check out all the new talent.” There is no word yet on whether Mario will go it alone in Season 3 or if he’ll be joined by a new co-host.
Honestly, I don’t think Khloe did such a terrible job as host–she was better than I expected her to be, not that that’s saying much, and she was actually an improvement on Season 1 host Steve Jones (not that that’s saying much, either). But, still. She did tend to shout every word with about as much voice-modulation control as Will Ferrell’s “SNL” character Jacob Silj, seemingly unaware that a hot microphone was only about half an inch from her lips. It was like all of her teleprompter dialogue was written in ALL CAPS or something. And when someone else was using that mic–like, say, the poor girls from eliminated country trio Sister C, giving their goodbye speech–she’d yank it away from them while they were still in mid-sentence. (Apparently spending the past few years of her life with a mic-pack strapped to her back, on her various E! reality shows, in no way prepared Khloe for a job that involved operating an actual microphone.)
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