Justin Combs Stands By Daddy Diddy


Justin Combs Stands By Daddy Diddy!!!

Justin Combs Stands By Daddy Diddy, you would have to be a fool if you didn’t think that Justin Combs would go against his father after Sean Combs was arrested!

Following Diddy’s arrest after getting arrested during one of the 21-year-old’s UCLA football practices. The celebrity spawn took to Instagram on Tuesday to honor his famous father. Justin Combs had this to say about Daddy Diddy’s assault on the Bruins assistant coach on Monday.

“I thank God for having a father that’s always there for me,” Justin wrote alongside an image of him posing with his dad. “Love you, pops!”

The rapper was arrested on UCLA’s campus after getting into an altercation with his son Justin’s conditioning coach, Sal Alosi.

We previously told you about Diddy’s arrest, but we learned that Justin’s conditioning coach, Sal Alosi felt that Justin was NOT putting his all into his workout and told him to leave the field until he is ready to work hard.


Diddy took thing to the NEXT LEVEL attacking Sal and was then “arrested for assault” and put into custody at the campus jail.

Shortly after the incident, UCLA released a statement via RumorFix, saying:

“Shortly after 12:30 p.m. today, Sean Combs (also known as P. Diddy) was arrested at UCLA’s Acosta Athletic Training Complex on a charge of assault with a deadly weapon, which was a kettlebell. No one was seriously injured and UCPD is investigating. Combs is expected to be transported to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Inmate Reception Center later this evening.”

UCLA head coach Jim Mora said in a statement:

“I’m thankful that our staff showed the level of professionalism that they did in handling this situation.”

“This is an unfortunate incident for all parties involved. While UCPD continues to review this matter, we will let the legal process run its course and refrain from further comment at this time.”

Talk about an over the top reaction. Sorry Diddy, your name doesn’t give Justin extra privileges. He is a student. It’s part of growing up.

We wonder if Diddy would do the same thing if this was an NFL coach?

Justin NEEDS to listen to his conditioning coach because Daddy Diddy can’t protect his son.

Of course, following UCLA’s statement a representative for Combs said accounts of the incident are “inaccurate” and expects the charges against the mogul to be dismissed.

The statement reads as follows via 4UMF.com:

“The various accounts of the event and charges that are being reported are wholly inaccurate. What we can say now is that any actions taken by Mr. Combs were solely defensive in nature to protect himself and his son. We are confident that once the true facts are revealed, the case will be dismissed.”

What do you think?
