(CelebNMusic247-News) Justin Bieber Released From Jail:
Justin Bieber was released Thursday afternoon from the Miami-Dade County Jail for drag racing while under the influence.
He was arrested early in the morning for charges that include a DUI and drag racing. Bieber is being repped by high-powered Miami lawyers Roy Black and Mark Shapiro.
The pop star, 19, was arrested at 4:11 a.m. Thursday. Bieber was stopped near the 300 block of 41st St., near Pine Tree Drive, Miami Beach Police Detective VivianHernandez told the Daily News.
He was driving a rented yellow Lamborghini and going “up to 60? miles per hour in a residential neighborhood where the limit was 30.
“For his DUI charge it’s going to be a combination of alcohol and narcotics,” Hernandez said.
Bieber reportedly blew a .04, which would not make him a drunk driver if he were 21 years old, but Florida law indicates the singer could face an automatic license suspension for being underage and blowing above a .02, according to TMZ.
His entourage blocked off local streets to create a make-shift drag strip for him, Hernandez said. A police report described at least four black Cadillac SUV’s blocking roads in front and behind two sports cars, causing backed up traffic.
A member of his Bieber’s entourage, singer Khalil Amir Sharieff, is confirmed as the other racer. He was also charged with a DUI on Thursday, with bond set for $1,000 after appearing before the judge.
A source close to the Canadian singer told The News that the other car – Sharieff’s red Ferrari – was pulled over in front of Bieber at the scene. No one was injured.
Sharieff, 19, had “droopy eyes” and his “speech was slow” when cops approached his car, according to a police report. The arresting officer was “met with the odor of marijuana” coming from the car.
After being transported from the racing scene, Bieber was escorted into the Miami-Dade County correctional facility by four police officers. The “Boyfriend” singer wore a black hooded sweatshirt, black leather shorts and red sneakers, and his face was covered as he avoided cameras. Sharieff was escorted to the jail by only one police officer.
Photos of Bieber in his car hours before the bust were apparently taken down from his Instagram page before news of his arrest broke, but Sharieff, known on Twitter as Crazy Khalil, shared a few photos of the wild night to his page.
He posted a photo of Bieber riding in the yellow Lamborghini with a woman – now identified as model Chantel Jeffries – at the wheel. Bieber apparently switched seats with her later on.
“He put everybody’s lives at risk to try to get a cheap thrill. That’s unacceptable behavior and he was arrested for it,” Miami Police Sgt. Bobby Hernandez told the Daily News.
“He basically didn’t want to comply with none of the officers on the scene, questioning every order that they gave him. He wouldn’t take his hands out of his pockets.”
“He was very uncooperative with the officers at the scene, using profanity.”
Bieber failed a field sobriety test “miserably,” Hernandez said. “There are five tests – I believe he failed all five of them.”
The singer also reportedly admitted to consuming alcohol, prescription drugs and marijuana, according to the police chief.
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