Jim Marchese Hates On Teresa Giudice Interview & Special

Photo by Brad Barket/Getty Images

Photo by Brad Barket/Getty Images

Jim Marchese Hates On Teresa Giudice Interview & Special!!!

Now that it has been confirmed that Amber Marchese has officially quit The Real Housewives of New Jersey her husband Jim Marchese Hates On Teresa Giudice Interview & Special.

CelebNMusic247.com has these shockingly offensive remark that Jim said about Teresa Giudice and her family. The Hate is REAL!

Jim Marchese weighed in on Teresa Checks In and how it was presented to viewers, CelebNMusic247.com caught wind of via Amber’s first lady.

As always, Jim was having a red river day as he complained about Teresa Checks In, saying:

“Viewer were duped into thinking they were watching RHONJ…If Andy has so much confidence in Tre and Joe to pull ratings, he could have called it Teresa Checks In… period.”

Obviously Jim wasn’t PAYING ATTENTION, because this how all of Bravo‘s specials are presented. From Real Housewives of Orange County: Tamra’s OC Wedding to Real Housewives of Atlanta: I Dream of NeNe and from Manzo’d with Children to Don’t Be Tardy this is Bravo’s format.  Teresa Checks in has NOTHING to do with Real Housewives of New Jersey season 7 – we guess The Machese’s we upset they weren’t part of Teresa’s spin off special but lets be honest. Jim has had NOTHING NICE to say about Teresa or Joe Giudice since they appeared on the show.



Here is what Jim said about Teresa Checks In:

“Andy is clearly endorsing Tre‘s behavior as it was focused on Tre and the sympathetic issues surrounding her kids. For example, they were shown crying missing their mom, and over-dramatized other hardships.”

Jim continued:

“Not one scene was dedicated to the people [Teresa] stole from, or how their lives have been hurt, or the children of families victimized by their crimes.”

Apparently, Jim tuned in?

Jim is obviously a delusional man because he was under the impression that RHONJ had a wholesome reputation leading up to Teresa Checks In:

“Every time they focus on Tre‘s incarceration, they hurt the show and its reputation.”

“Now, my wife has to decide if she wants her good name on a show this dark. The delays in filming and lousy ratings are just two more examples of how Tre’s criminal activities hurt families.”


Wow, Jim is truly a piece of work.

What do you think of Jim Marchese Hating On Teresa Giudice Interview & Special?