DMX Family NEEDS To Advocate; Stimulate Earl Simmons Brain!
Wake UP DMX – Your Family NEEDS to stimulate his brain
We totally understand where the DMX family since X was ffound in his home following a drug overdose as their loved one is in the hospital. Get more details on ho
One thing would like to say is that the DMX family NEEDS To advocate for the rapper.
What we mean by this is to stay on the doctors, the nurses, the respiratory care and ask questions as well as record all conversations with your phone.
Make sure all his insurance is in place and that the social workers or the discharge nurse do try to discharge DMX because they feel he is too far gone.
Questions about DMX need to come solely from the doctor and nobody else. Hospital care these days SUCKS since COVID-19 has taken a front seat and everyone else is getting less care in the hospital.
The DMX Family NEEDS to Stimulate his Brain?
We just went through this with a very special loved one of our own and she passed away. It was the doctor’s fault because he tried to change her psych medication, and stopped her Lasix, a drug to keep her from retaining water.
Because of his wrongdoings, she ended up with 65lbs of fluid overload and the doctor didn’t care. Instead, he discharged her and said “I’m done with her since you won’t let me change her psych meds I’m sending her home.” He only did this because he wanted a kickback from the pharmaceutical drugs.
He was also a doctor who is receiving disaster pay to take care of COVID-19 patients. And when I confronted him about it he was pissed.
We say all this because doctors these days are looking at the check and not caring for patients like 10 years ago.
What the DMX family NEEDS to DO:
- As for DMX family, they need to go in his room talk in his ear, and tell him he can pull through this.
- Tell him he needs to wake up.
- Talk to him and say who you are.
- Tell X about fun moments.
- Play his music in the room.
- Talk about his songs.
- Have him Squeeze your hand.
- Squeeze his hands.
- Tickle his feet / Pinch his arm or leg
- Kiss him on the cheek or forehead.
- Stimulate his brain
- Help him recover
All these things work because he can hear everything and his mind NEEDs simulation.
Don’t listen to the nurse quiet is NOT what he needs.
I did all that and more when they told me my family member was going to be a vegetable. She and I proved them wrong.
It took six weeks for her to wake up out of a coma caused by a doctor’s negligence. But DMX can wake up as well, but the family NEEDS to be in the room with him NOT on the street doing a vigil.