(CelebNMusic247-News) Did Traci Steeles Baby Dady Get Hustled?
Despite the drama with Shay and Erica at the Raphael Cox fashion event, she just found out her ex was robbed!
Traci shows up to the future home of their sneeker shop only to find out that her ex Drew revealed that he handed his partner $50k only to be ripped off.
But things are worse when the fool reveals that he had a verbal agreement and an unsigned contract. Traci tries to keep her cool but looses it…
Check it:
Prior to babey Drew giving Traci Steele the bad news that he was ripped off by a con artist, she was trying to help her ex-baby daddy Babey Drew with their new business venture, so she hires a new male to manage the shop.
Drew immediately goes on the defense about he choice of hire. Tracy hands Drew the the $25,000 needed to open the sneaker store.
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so she just now finding out that…