Aaron Carter has been on a rollercoaster of emotions for the past few months.
First Aaron complained about the negative press that he was receiving in the news. The, things took a turn for the worst when his sister was fearful of his wellbeing so she had police do a welfare check. That didn’t go well either but wait there is more…
CelebNMusic247.com more shocking news from Aaron Carter who recently said that he had thoughts of “killing babies” his brother Nick’s allegedly.
Aaron Carter has continued his shenanigans on social media from admitting mental illness to telling fans on Twitter that he has done away with all his guns.
Fast forward to this weekend, as Aaron unvieled his newest addition, a neck and face tattoo of Rihanna and Medusa with the words love under his right eye in a very Post Malone-like way.
He followed this face tat with this post:
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Living my best life sweetie ? #trx250ex @honda_powersports_us @worldstar #LMG #LOVEMONEYGANG
It’s unclear who commissioned the new ink, but Aaron documented a good portion of the process on his social media … and seemed to be in good spirits about it.
To be honest the tattoo is ugly and fans were in shock at Carter’s ink on his face, but that didn’t stop him from CLAPPING BACK at everyone.
He posted the photo of his new ink on Instagram with the caption:
Then, AC revealed that he was dropping new muic and this was all part of his masterplan.
TheY NeVer BeLieVed In The KID – But now….NOW The ReaL Is Recognising Who I Really AM….. TBC
200k Views On My Last Post & I’m Dropping ANOTHER SINGLE TONIGHT on my https://t.co/RZ2D3rik1v CHANNEL #Producer #VisualContent Aaron Carter – “AnyThing” x Kid Carter midnight PST pic.twitter.com/w1OKkJDo26— Aaroncarter (@aaroncarter) September 30, 2019
We LITERALLY REACHED 138,00 VIEWS!! in 2 HOURS MY GOAL WAS 200k On My LaSt InsTAaGraM Post by midnight ? https://t.co/yHvn1UOU0C I FUCKING KNEW IT!! #LMG #AcArmy iS StRonG ?? JUst LiKe i Told you! #Blessed
— Aaroncarter (@aaroncarter) September 30, 2019
I’m DRoPPIN “ANyThinG” oN October 8th!! On @spotify @appleMusic @pandoramusic @iHeartRadio @amazon @TIDAL WORLDWIDE!! THE KID IS BACK!!! ? EVERYONE GO SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL THE ONLY ONE I WILL EVER USE. https://t.co/COjvvi1xdi ? BE READY MIDNIGHT #AnythingAaronCarter
— Aaroncarter (@aaroncarter) September 30, 2019
Was this just a ploy to get followers?