5 Things Guys Should Know About Clothes
I’ve walked you through some common mistakes guys make while getting dressed before, but I couldn’t possibly have covered all the nuances of men’s clothing.
There’s far too many basics to cover in one lifetime, so I’m hitting you with a few more things you might have not known about your wardrobe.
Stick around and you might learn something. Here’s 5 Things Guys Should Know About Clothes.
5. Bespoke vs. Made-to-Measure
There’s a difference between “bespoke” and “made-to-measure.” A true bespoke garment is tailored specifically to you from start to finish, whereas a made-to-measure garment implies that tailors merely adjust pre-existing patterns to a more precise fit to your body.
4. Fade Away
Did you know there’s proper terms for the way your jeans fade? “Crocking” is the technical term for when dyes bleed off a fabric. “Whiskering” refers to the fade lines around the crotch area — akin to a cat’s whiskers. “Honeycombing” references the lines that occur behind the knees. “Warp” and “weft” refer to the contrasting vertical and diagonal/horizontal yarns, respectively, that make up the denim. The warp is usually dyed indigo while the weft is left ecru or white. For the lazy, pre-washed jeans have recently made a comeback.
3. Where the Buffalo Roam
Way before Biggie had the red-and-black lumberjack (with the hat to match), buffalo plaid made its debut in the 1850s, where it was found in a lot of workwear. The alternating red and black squares purportedly took their moniker from the designer’s buffalo herd. Also, any sort of pattern alternating black and colored squares is a buffalo plaid, not just red.
2. The History of the “White Pants” Rule
You’ve always heard you shouldn’t wear white after Labor Day, but have you ever wondered why? In addition to being a traditionally-cool summer fabric, early 20th Century rich folk were often known to rock white on the regular. In the ‘50s, this so-called “rule” was spread around a lot of social clubs that made wearing white after the supposed summer’s end a faux pas, in order to sort out people “in the know” from nouveau riche posers. So stick it to the 1% and OCCUPY WHITEPANTS!
1. Ticket, Please
That third pocket of a casual sportcoat is known as a “ticket pocket.” It use to be known to hold, well, tickets. Think about that next time you take your girl out to the movies or you’re on way to a “Glass the Tramp” concert.
Remember what I say “If it makes you feel like a million dollars then file it under “P” for PERFECTION!” LOVE PEACE PASSION BABY – Glass the Tramp
The Perfection Files:
Presented and written by Glass The Tramp
Love & Roses, Glass The Tramp 2014:
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