Zac Efron Cuts Off Friends
Earlier this week Zac Efron raised eyebrows when he said he was punched in the face in downtown LA by a homeless person?
It was also reported that Zac Efron’s friends are “worried sick” about him and has learned that none of them believe Zac drove to downtown L.A. in the middle of the night to get sushi. They say there’s no doubt he’s fallen off the wagon again.
Where Zac was downtown was nowhere near a Sushi bar, but instead in a seedy area of the city with transients and drug dealers out in force. However, Zac told cops his car ran out of gas, his “bodyguard” got attacked and when he went to help he got socked in the face.
What’s sad is no only are Zac’s friends worried about him and NOT buying his poor excuse of a story, LAPD are just as skeptical. As one friend put it, “Zac’s a loner. He goes out rarely and the idea of him driving for miles to go to some sushi restaurant in downtown L.A. after midnight is preposterous.”
As for the bodyguard story – Zac’s friends confirmed on Friday that he is NOT a not a bodyguard at all, but instead a convicted drug dealer who has been spending a lot of time with Zac.
Despited the reports that Zac went to rehab twice last year to kick his cocaine habit, it’s been revealed that he NEVER went to rehab at all. His alleged habitual addiction has cuased the Awkward Moment star to loose his friends in the last few months because they became frustrated that he was slipping off the rails again.
Now new reports have surfaced that Zac Efron may have fallen off the deep end and this time may NEED help to kick the alleged habit. According to his friends, he’s been acting pretty sneaky lately.
Though it appears Zefron is NOT looking back and is denouncing his friends fears. Bascally anyone who thinks Zefron still has an issue can just get out of his life forever!
And don’t think about bringing up the subject because he allegedly doesn’t want to hear it!
Thoughts? – #CelebsAreCoolRight
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