Yung Thug Investigated By CHILD SERVICES For Endangering Daughter

Yung Thug Investigated By CHILD SERVICES For Endangering Daughter

Rapper Yung Thug is being investigated by Georgia’s Division of Child & Family Services after hundreds of his fans snitched on him to authorities.

Read on to see what he did that has so many fans up in arms with Young Thug…


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#youngthug is being put on the chopping block for posting a video of his daughter learning how to drive. Note she’s rather young but is there any reason child services needed to be called? We’re sorry but d didn’t you have a dad that took you out when you were a kid and you got to play behind the wheel in a safe area like a parking lot not on the road like Young Thug but we just don’t see that this is a really big deal it’s just kind a irresponsible that he put her on the road because it could cause an accident and she is a little bit too young she came and see over the steering wheel he should end this like on his own property or in a parking lot but not on the highway or a major road. What are you guys think? Irresponsible or just straight up stupid? #celebnmusic247 #pressplay

A post shared by CelebNMusic247 (@celebnmusic247) on is hearing that five women snitched to the media that the Georgia rapper and his baby’s mother to the authorities for allegedly endangering their daughter.

It all started yesterday when a video surfaced online allegedly showing Young Thug‘s daughter driving a car while an adult in the passenger seat filmed the child driver.

The video triggered five women to reach out to the media to complain about Young Thug endangering his daughter. It also alerted Under Georgia law, the Division of Child & Family Services is required to investigate all claims made against parents.

Celebs even weighed in about his bad parenting skills:

The news leaked like a California wildfire on social media and many of them are blasting the rapper and the mother of his daughter for allowing this to happen.

Former NBA star Matt Barnes called the actions “Stupid” and Tyrese said, “I’m almost sure DFCS is gonna see this.”

Even former Love and Hip Hop Hollywood star said it best:

Oh, He going to jail.

Yung Thug Investigated By CHILD SERVICES For Endangering Daughter

Bottom line, Young Thug was stupid to do this. It was very dangerous.

He should have done this on his own property in a controlled area and NOT posted a video online. That was absolutely dumb because now he in trouble with Division of Child & Family Services.

About the author


Pete is a California native who has been in the entertainment industry for 20+ years. He is a journalist who covers music, festivals, events, interviews, movie premieres, sports, reality TV, and more.