Yandy Checks Raqi

(CelebNMusic247-News) Yandy Checks Raqi

Raqi Thunda decides to confide in Yandy about her fight with Jen and then dragging Consequence into the argument. Bottom line Raqi is a ratchet chick and when provoked she sets it off. She decided to lie about Cons just to piss off Jen The Pen.

Previously Jen and Raqi hosted a segment at Hot 97 and Raqi broke the rules, while Jen’s radio history got in the way. Her ego was inflated and Raqi wasn’t hearing it. Later the two ladies had sit down and instead things blew up and Jen crossed the racial line.

Shocked by what she is hearing, Yand Smith puts things into perspective and check Raqi for Wildin Out with Jan!

But her mouth messed up her friendship with Cons and he ain’t having it with her no more! Raqi tried to confront Cons in the studio with an apology, but once again her mouth gets in the way and everything goes sideways!

Check it:

CelebNMusic247 is breaking this down from a man’s point of few since the show is coming from a woman’s perspective, but it seems the women on the show all have trouble when it comes to listening to their man. Things work both ways, but these ladies sometimes think they need to force the issue and press the envelope way too far sometimes.

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