(CelebNMusic247-News) Why Karl Urban Said No To Star Wars 7
Since the announcement of the Star Wars franchise pushing through with the long awaited episode 7, 8 and 9 the buzz in Hollywood has been up and arms about casting, except for Karl Urban.
I guess you could say Karl Urban to Star Wars: Thanks, But No Thanks! Though many actors clamoring for a role in the upcoming Star Wars franchise is still hush hush, but Total Film asked the question to many celebrities to see what they had to say about taking on a role in the upcoming film that has Carrie Fisher, Harrison Ford and Mark Hamill reprising their roles as Lea, Han Solo and Luke Skywalker.
For starters, Joss Whedon, Ewan McGregor, Mila Kunis, Mark Strong Emma Stone and Ryan Reynolds told the cameras if they were ready to get out their lightsabers and take a stab at Star Wars.
As for Karl Urban, who plays Bones in Star Trek and has already been working with JJ Abrams on why he will NOT be in the Star Wars films. Karl Urban make perfect sense why he would’t do the film as it’s NOT fair to movie goers.
When the J.J. crossover was brought up, Urban responded with a definitive no, explaining:
“”J.J. is behind the camera. There’s a difference when you’re putting a face and a personality in front of the camera, and I wouldn’t want to do that do an audience. I, as an audience member, wouldn’t want to see an actor fromStar Trek in Star Wars. I just wouldn’t. When I go into a Star Wars movie I want to be completely enveloped. I don’t want to be taken out of the picture by going, ‘Oh my God, there’s Scotty, what’s he doing in Star Wars?'”
When talking to IGN, The New Zealand actor added:
“I grew up watching it… I just love that universe, but that being said, I have no desire to be part of it. I don’t see the worlds of Star Trek and Star Warsjoining. I’ve made a commitment to Star Trek and I’m going to keep it. It wouldn’t feel right to me. Being in Star Trek, to suddenly be in Star Warswouldn’t feel right to me.”
In regards to Star Trek, Urban added that he wanted to see a really original film for the third installment.
Urban explained:
“What I really believe we should do now is strive for originality. Because in ‘Star Trek Into Darkness‘ we took one of the most revered and loved adversaries of the Enterprise and put him in there, and did a story that had all of these wonderful nods to films from the past, and episodes from the past.”
“I really think that what we should do from here, in my personal opinion, is strive to be original. Strive to be something different and new. You know, let’s not forget that ‘Star Trek’ as envisioned was about space exploration. And it would be really wonderful to harness the spirit of that and apply it to the next film, so that we do something different than a revenge-based picture.”
With Karl Urban out of the running, that leaves plenty of room for hopeful stars to land a role in the next set of 3 in the Star Wars franchise, but let’s be real out of all these stars that were interviewed, who do you really think will make the film a success. senergy is key and onscreen chemistry a must!
However, more stars weighed in on having the opportunity to land a role in Star Wars like; Ben Kingsley, Aaron Eckhart, Emma Stone, Nicolas Cage, Ryan Reynolds Bradley Cooper, Steve Carell, Seth Rogen, Billy Crystal and many more talk Star Wars Episode 7:
Watch part 3:
“Star Wars Episode VII” is set for release in 2015 with production rumored to begin this month.
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