(CelebNMusic247-News) Tyrese Wants Ex-Wife Behind Bars
One might think Tyrese is being a bit harsh, but lets be real we aren’t walking in his shoe’s or dealing with his ex-wife.
According to reports Tyrese’s ex-wife Norma Gibson continues to deny him of his rightful visitation of their 6-year-old daughter. For some reason she feels she is in the right to use their daughter as a bartering tool and he is SICK of it!
Now Tyrese wants her held in contempt and jailed. Especially after last night’s incident when Norma Gibson called police after Tyrese tried to pick up their daughter for a scheduled custody visit.
According to TMZ Norma called Tyrese before hand claiming their daughter was sick, which according to their custody agreement, meant she didn’t have to turn her over for a visit. Tyrese insisted on picking up the child anyway so Norma called the cops who met Tyrese on her doorstep.
After reviewing the custody agreement Tyrese was sent away without his daughter.
Sources tell TMZ Tyrese does not believe his daughter was sick and that he is being kept from visitation out of revenge and wants his ex-wife held in contempt and thrown in jail for violating their custody order.
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