Trump Calls Pelosi’s Impeachment Announcement a Witch Hunt!
While the Democrats are gearing up to impeach President Donald Trump, the Republican leader is calling it a poor attempt at a witch hunt. Read on to see how Trump calls Impeachment a Witch Hunt… has the latest on from Donald Trump who spoke with CNN that he did not withhold any money from Ukraine.
He wants other European countries to put up money, not just the United States of America.
President Donald Trump tells reporters calls for his impeachment are ridiculous and that he withheld foreign aid to Ukraine because he wants other European countries to contribute funds.
No. 45 claims that the Secretary of State revieved permission from the Ukraine government.
Did he? Or is he once again blowing smoke to his followers?
Trump is trying to claim that he is in the right and Joe Biden is in the wrong for what he did for his son.
He is also calling Nancy Pelosi’s call to formally impeach is a straigh up witch hunt.
Here is what Trump said on Twitter today following he announcement:
He then went on to boast about how he is doing in the polls:
Earlier this month Republicans seem to be just as cocky in congress like their leader President Trump, which goes to show that the follow by example.