(CelebNMusic247-News) Trayvon Martin’s Parents Speak About Verdict!
As people across the country weigh in on the verdict in the George Zimmerman trial, Trayvon Martin’s parents are left to make sense of what happened.
Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin gave a heartfelt interview to Matt Lauer on the Today Show, saying “We’re still in shock….still in disbelieve!”
The family talks about how they want “peace protests…we don’t want anyone to get hurt.” Rioting, robbing and wilding doesn’t help anyone.
This verdict send a bad message to young black boys just heading home.
tdy_martin_family_130718 by dredblack
Do you feel this is another way the government is oppressing black American‘s? We no longer have slavery, thank goodness, and African-American’s have come a long way but when a verdict lets a known murderer like George Zimmerman free, it proves that the systems doesn’t work.
The federal government NEEDS to step in and put this man behind bars! What’s gonna happen when George does this again when profiling another boy or teen of color?
Where is the justice? And was the Zimmerman Jury all white women? Doesn’t it seem stacked in favor of Zimmerman getting a not guilty verdict?
The 911 audio was Trayvon yelling for help, NOT George!
This frustrates me personally! This is based on the true story of Oscar Grant, a young man who was killed by BART police officer Johannes Mehserle at the Oakland, California Fruitvale Bay Area Rapid Transit Station – Please support Fruitvale Station which hits theaters this Friday.
When will profiling and killing of young African American men STOP?
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