The Four Men Who Have Ruined Rutgers University’s Rep

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(CelebNMusic247-News) Rutgers Scandal Tarnishes Men’s Basketball Program

Since Rutgers University came under fire last week when we reported that coach Mike Rice was seen chucking balls at his players, kicking them and showering them with profanity and homophobic slurs in a video. The public has been OUTRAGED!

One mother has spoken out against the school saying that a class action lawsuit must be filed to stop schools from allowing this OUTRAGEOUS and UNACEPTABLE behavior from happening in sports.

To belittle a young man coming of age with threats during practice is unethical! No coach chould have any right to verbally attack any student who is trying to make a career out of the sport  they have talent at.

Now more details that emerge from the Rutgers scandal, the uglier it seems to get for everyone involved. Not only has coach Mike Rice been fired, the Universities athletic director Tim Pernetti and assistant coach has resigned.

It was reported on the same day Rutgers terminated the contract of his boss, Mike Rice, Scarlet Knights assistant men’s basketball coach Jimmy Martelli resigned from the program, according to a spokesman in the school’s sports information department.

However, Pernetti resigned last week after a video was made public showing former men’s basketball coach Mike Rice shoving players and berating them with anti-gay slurs. Tim Pernetti suspended Rice last December. The coach was fired last week.

Even though he has resigned from his position, Pernetti is walking away paid.

Under his agreement, Pernetti is to be paid his base salary of $453,000 per year through June 2014 and a one-time payment of $679,500 in the next month. He gets the money even if he takes another job.

He also gets his $12,000 per year car allowance through June 2014 and health insurance and pension payments through October 2015.

Pernetti also gets to keep his Rutgers-issued iPad and laptop computer.

In addition to the disturbing news that Pernetti walks away with a $ 1.2 million settlement – new details have surfaces that even the whistle-blower (former Rutgers director of basketball operations Eric Murdock) may have his hands dirty too.

Now the FBI is investigating whether Rutgers director of basketball operations Eric Murdock tried to extort the university, according to the New York Times reported.

In December, Murdock’s lawyer reportedly sent a letter to Rutgers officials two weeks after Rice’s initial suspension demanding $950,000, a sum that the university chose not to pay.

Here’s the drop:

When he did not receive any money, Murdock eventually shared dozens of hours of video of Rice’s practices with ESPN’sOutside the Lines” and voiced his concerns over the abusive tactics of his former boss. The video has since resulted in the firing of Rice and Pernetti amid nationwide public outcry.

Murdock’s apparent feud with Rutgers began after the 2012 season when the school chose not to renew his contract. The former Providence star has filed a wrongful-termination lawsuit against Rutgers claiming he was let go because of his concerns with Rice’s abusive tactics, but the school denies that charge.

Regardless of who wins that case, nobody involved will emerge from this scandal with an unsullied reputation.

Rice’s career as a college coach may be over because no athletic director can take a chance on him after this. Pernetti’s poor judgment has cost him his job and undone much of the good he did during his tenure at Rutgers. And now even the man who bravely came forward to voice his disapproval with Rice’s pattern of abuse now appears to have had an ulterior motive for doing so.

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