(CelebNMusic247-News) The-Dream Land’s Worst Dressed at Grammy’s
This year the Grammy’s sent out a strict dress code for all nominees, presenters and celebrities attending the awards ceremony.
Somehow The-Dream didn’t get the memo and came dressed like a low budget rapper who pick up his fashions at the Slauson Swap meet.
Terrius Nash is not broke and has plenty of money to buy a real wardrobe, but for some reason he felt compelled to dress like he was attending The Source awards or BET Awards. The dreadful look of Dream was even clowned by Jay-Z when they won their award with Frank Ocean.
Someone needs to get The-Dream a stylist immediately, because this is straight up pathetic. And what’s up with the gold chains or as Game calls them Jesus Piece’s?
And the sad part is not only did we think that The-Dream looked like a hot mess, but so did Hov and a bunch of others who didn’t have the nerve to tell it to his face.
Check him during his Fuse interview:
Please Dream, step your game up with fashion my man…because ya just look hella dumb!
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