Stallone Eyeing Eastwood, Snipes & Ford For ‘Expendables 3’

(CelebNMusic247) Sylvester Stallone Eyeing Clint Eastwood, Wesley Snipe & Harrison Ford For ‘Expendables 3’:

It seems Sylvester Stallone hell-bent on collecting every Hollywood badass who ever lived for his ever-expanding Expendables franchise.

CelebNMusic247 has already found out that Nicolas Cage has already signed on for the 3rd installment of the tetosterone fueled action flick, reveals producer Avi Lerner.

The plans for Ford and Snipes  are in talks, but when it comes to Clint, there’s might be a snag in the plans. Word is, when Eastwood was told that Sly Stallone wants him to join in the festivities, he replied:

“He does?”

“I haven’t had the opportunity to see [The Expendables] yet. I haven’t read any material.”

Eastwood expressed that if Slyvester comes a-knocking to join the team, Clints responce is:

“Probably not.”

“I’m probably more apt to direct something. Maybe I’ll direct Expendables 3.”

Would you want to see Clint Eastwood, Wesley Snipe and Harrison Ford in the next Expendables?


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