(CelebNMusic247-News) Slayer’s Jeff Hanneman Dead at 49
Jeff Hanneman, 49, co-founder and guitarist for thrash metal band member of Slayer has passed away from liver failure at a southern California hospital on Thursday.
Sad news for thrash metal band fans as Slayer’s Jeff Hanneman has died of liver failure at a southern California hospital earlier today (May 2). He was 49.
To recap:
The guitarist had been on hiatus from the band since February 2011, when he was bit by a spider and nearly lost his arm to necrotizing fasciitis — aka flesh-eating disease. Hanneman was put into a medically-induced coma while being treated and had undergone numerous operations to remove the dead and dying tissue.
Hanneman, who wrote or co-wrote most of the band’s material, made his final appearance with Slayer at 2011’s “Big Four Festival” in Indio, California, which featured Slayer, Anthrax,Megadeth and Metallica all together for the first time. He joined the band for two songs, and according to Rolling Stone he even cut the sleeve off his shirt to show off his disfigured arm.
A year ago the guitarist decided to sit out the band’s 2012 tour, saying he needed more time to heal and continue his rehab. The band released a statement revealing that he had to “learn to walk again” and had undergone “several painful skin grafts” and was working to regain the strength in his arm.
Hanneman told Classic Rock magazine in 2011 that he never even felt the spider bite him, but within an hour he could see the “flesh corrupting” so he raced to the hospital.
The news was confirmed in a message on the band’s website.
“Slayer is devastated to inform that their bandmate and brother, Jeff Hanneman, passed away at about 11AM this morning near his Southern California home. Hanneman was in an area hospital when he suffered liver failure. He is survived by his wife Kathy, his sister Kathy and his brothers Michael and Larry, and will be sorely missed.”
There’s been no word if Hanneman’s death was in any way related to the spider bite.
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