(CelebNMusic247 – News) Seth Macfarlane Release Statement on Brian’s Return
Family Guy creator, Seth Macfarlane caused animation fan outrage three weeks ago when he killed of the family dog, but last night he redeemed himself and with the return of Brian.
As of last night, during the Christmas episode, Stewie got his wish and went back in time and saved Brian. Yes Brian returned to the Family guy after creator Seth Macfarlane tortured us with a fowl mouthed wisedog, who was sadly enough, NOT funny!
We are so glad Brian is back on the family guy he is one of our favorite characters. Brian and Stewie make the show.
Anyways, Seth Macfarlane Release Statement regarding the return of the family dog Brian:
A series of tweets from creator Seth MacFarlane after the episode aired in the United States confirmed suspicions that the removal of Brian from the show was an elaborate hoax at best, and at worst, a shameless cry for ratings.
In one tweet, Macfarlane wrote:
“I mean, you didn’t really think we’d kill off Brian, did you?”
Putting aside any criticisms of the show and the writing team for this stunt, fans should be relieved to have Brian return. Given how long it takes to create an episode, this was in no way a response to negative receptions of Brian’s death. It was clearly a plan all along.
Merry Christmans Brian and Family Guy fans
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