(CelebNMusic247-News) Scrappy Weighs In on Waka Flocka Replacing Him on LHHA
Remember we told you that there was a rumor floating around that Scrappy and Erica were fired during the Love and Hip Hop Atlanta reunion show for season 2?
We didn’t believe it one bit, but posted the rumor which we should have steered clear of, because not another rumor has surfaced and now Scrappy is speaking out on Twitter.
Last night we told you Waka and hie fiance Teresa were in talks to join the high drama series. Well the latest rumor to plague the massively popular show is , since Scrappy has taken to his Twitter to weigh in on his replacement news that he was FIRED from LHHA.
K Michelle has moved to Love and Hip Hop New York and apparently Scrappy and Erica’s story line of co-parenting and legal dramas is coming to an end, or is it?
Here is the drop:
Apparently Scrappy was surprised to learn of this termination because he tweeted “Not True” when asked about the rumor.
He added that he wasn’t sure if Waka Flocka was joining the cast but he certainly isn’t leaving!
Scrap says:
Now Waka Flocka hasn’t commented on the rumor. Perhaps there is some truth to the story since it’s not the first report of his firing.
Secondly, maybe VH1 is tired of his drama. Because Scrappy was arrested AGAIN for fight at a gas station! When will he learn?
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