Scarface Remake Lands A Director!
The cult-classic, Scarface, was a movie that was ahead of its time and it looks like there is a remake in the making.
For a couple of years now, Universal Studios has been developing the project but couldn’t find a director to film the remake. Now has got the drop via who reveals that the Scarface remake has a director lined up.
Well guys, it seems like they found their guy. His name is Pablo Larrain, so it’s time to “Say hello to my little friend” again?
The filmmaker is known for movies such as “Post Morteim” and “No” and is currently negotiating with Universal as we speak. Pablo Larraín is in talks to take the helm of Universal’s Scarface remake, which has a script by Donnie Brosco scribe Paul Attanasio.
The material originated with Howard Hawks 1932 film of the same name, which was then remade by Brian De Palma in 1983 with Al Pacino.
Now, casting hasn’t been announced yet but there are talks of the lead being a Mexican character’s rise in Los Angeles.
We will just have to sit back and see what the future holds for the movie. – #CelebsAreCoolRight
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