(CelebNMusic247-News) Rich Dollaz Deceptions Blows Up With Erica
Rich Dollaz calls Erica out on her tricks and explodes about being played a fool. While Erica goes off that Rich was deceptful, but at the end of the day Erica Mena admits that she had been playing Rich to get what she wants.
Although she claims in her confessional that she didn’t want things to end like this…
To recap:
Rich is shocked to get a phone call from Erica, and the two meet to discuss the craziness surrounding them. Erica can’t believe that Rich would have his ex infiltrate and cause problems. Both of them are truly screwed up in trying to justify both of them sleeping with the same girl at the same time. She blames him for framing her, and she refuses to take any responsibility. Erica justifies her behavior by reminding Rich that she only hooked up with Tiffany when he wouldn’t step up to the plate with her professionally. Rich yells that he jeopardized so many personal and professional relationships for Erica, and she can’t admit to any wrongdoing. In her interview, a teary Erica tries to justify her lies. I can’t really even keep up anymore! After Erica storms out of the car, he follows her into her vehicle
where he hugs her while she cries. Oh great. Rich gives her a big pep talk about getting her life together before he heads back to her car.
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