(CelebNMusic247-News) Rich Dollaz Clueless About Erica’s Pregnacy
Despite throwing down in a brawl just the other day in a nail salon as her boyfriend Rich Dollaz stood by watching, it appears Erica Mena is pregnant, which would explain why you can see her trying to cover up her body after the brawl.
But is Rich Dollaz out of the loop of what could be growing in his girl’s belly. He exclusively told the YBF that he’s completely in the dark about what’s going on.
Dollaz admits he has not idea what up with her, saying:
“I don’t know about all the pregnancy rumors. Erica was posting pics on IG from Bar 7 in DC and I’m in Houston. So I guess a convo is def in order when we are back in NY.”
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[…] Rich Dollaz Clueless About Erica’s Pregnacy […]
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