RHOC’s Tamra Barney Threatens To Expose Alexis & Jim Bellino

Us Weekly Annual Hot Hollywood Style Issue event

(CelebNMusic247-NewsRHOC‘s Tamra Barney Threatens To Expose Alexis & Jim Bellino

Real Housewives of Orange County, Tamra Barney is always dishing dirt on somebody like Alexis  and Jim Bellino!

Some people have true talent while others have the gift of gab and digging up dirt on people then airing their dirty laundry to the world like Tamra Barney.

Tamra Barney is the drama undertaker! If you recall following last season’s Real Housewives of Orange County,Tamra was calling Alexis Bellino “Jesus Jugs” among other things, which Alexis found to be offensive to her religion and discriminatory.

Well, Alexis and husband Jim Bellino decided to threatened a full out lawsuit against Tamra Barney, which NEVER materialized. And now Tamara is back to doing what she does best – exposing Alexis & Jim Bellino dark past!

Here’s the drop via RumorFix:

As for the lawsuit? The real reason Alexis and Jim abruptly abandoned their plans to sue Tamra Barney is because she has no money is because Tamra has A LOT of dirt about Jim’s shady alleged past business dealings!

Before he was Jumping For Jesus over at Tramboobily World, Jim was allegedly partners in some autograph business that turned out to be a forgery ring!

Jim was mentioned in a book called Operation Bullpen: The Inside Story of the Biggest Forgery Scam in American History, which is about an autograph forgery ring that ripped off fans for $100 million,” a source tells Mr. Housewife, via RumorFix. “Jim was accused of being the person who authenticated the fake signatures, but he was never charged.”

“Jim was afraid that Tamra Barney would talk about it on the show, potentially exposing him,” the source explains. Jim was reportedly so distraught that Alexis was contemplating leaving the show because of it.

Jim’s alleged involvement in the scam was outed in 1999 before RHOC (and Alexis) existed, but as a person who still represents himself as an enterpreneur he obviously would not want to be associated with a huge scandal. I mean other than Real Housewives of Orange County.

Alexis and Jim have commented about the allegations (and his former career) in the past. Jim said he ““was neither tried nor convicted of any crime because I never would knowingly buy or sell an illegitimate or forged autograph.”

In other news, tonight is a brand new episode of RHOC. Tamra and Vicki have a huge fight on a wine retreat when Tamra accuses Vicki of abandoning the joint business venture Wines By Wives.
