(CelebNMusic247-News) Renee Claps Back at Natalie on Social Media
Mob Wives star Renee Graziano took to social media because she still can’t leave the word Delicious alone!
In case you’re NOT familiar with what is going on, Renee Graziano and her model/co-star Natalie Guercia have been feuding for the past couple months over the word delicious.
When Renee brought sand to the beach (her new man around her girls) Drita and Ang knew not to give him any looks because Renee is a bit insecure when it comes to men around her girls. Anyways, When he was introduced to Natalie, she said “you smell delicious.” And BLAM a war was wedged and Renee was ready to kill Natalie…literally!
Drita, Big Ang and Alicia tried to smooth things out and get the Mob Candy duo to be friends again, but Renee has NOT been able to let the word delicious go. In fact, it go so bad, Graziano fell off the wagon and started drinking and popping pills while in Las Vegas at the Palms Hotel. Things escalated and Renee got froggy with Natalie and jumped at her. Since then the two have been battling it out on social media and the Mob Wives series.
Then we discovered on (Jan 18) Renee took to Instagram over the weekend posting this caption with the photo above:
“Need I say More …”
Renee adds to her comment with quotes to back her success and to put the haters [Natalie] behind her.
Com’on Renee, we know you might be joking, but that word cut you too deep. Remember “sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me?” Renee really needs to get that motto down and move on already….
And let’s be real Natalie already has a hot looking man named London, so she had no need to steal yours! He was ALL you until you showed that desperate, thirsty, needed and over jealous side that no man wants a part of.
That was all you love! Not Natalie…if you blew her off in the beginning he might still be around. Just saying…gotta make changes for the better and leave those ugly traits behind you, it 2014! – But it didn’t stop there Renee Graziano took things a step further posting some enlightening quotes indirectly pointed at Natalie.
She posted this statement along with these photos:
“Congratulations to all the successful women who have built a foundation with the bricks other chicks have thrown at u … And to all my future strong successful ladies heres a little advice when you see it coming don’t stop it .. duck .. then pick it up and stack them bricks!! U have just added another step to your ladder !!!! #movingonup .. oh and when your finished building ur solid foundation … let’m know#youthrowlikeagirl”
We love you Renee, now let it goooooooooooo!