Ray Rice Talks Suicide Over Backlash


Ray Rice Talks Suicide Over Backlash

The bully got a taste of bullying and he apparently doesn’t like it. Now Ray Rice Talks Suicide Over Backlash after the public attacked him for the notorious elevator attack.

CelebNMusic247.com got word that Rice sat down with the Baltimore Sun saying:

“I almost felt like at one point that it wasn’t worth living.”

Rice says he was emotionally devastated after the video went pubic:


“The big picture of it all, being the person that I am, I really felt horrible. You almost want to punish yourself. I know I’m never going to win the battle of public opinion. Honestly, I almost felt like at one point that it wasn’t worth living. I see why people commit suicide.”

Rice continued:

“It hurt that bad. I was low, real low. It hurt that bad because you worked your whole life to do all the right things and then you’re the world’s most hated person. It was really tough. My daughter, oh Lord, I grew up without a father, there’s no way I could check out on my own family.”

“Time does heal everything, but I don’t think people are going to forget this. I want people to not forget about the incident, but I want people to see there’s a human being on the other side. This is not a monster, a guy who’s a repeat offender. I’m not the guy they stereotype me to be. I’m not excusing what I did.”

If he felt so bad then maybe he should have NEVER punched his then fiance. See we don’t have sympathy for any of this because he thought he was going to get away with domestic abuse because no body saw what happened until the video leaked and now he’s playing the victim?

Whatever man…tell this to someone who cares and who has NO CLUE what you did!
