(CelebNMusic247-News) Philip Seymour Hoffman Knew He Would Die
According to reports, Philip Seymour Hoffman apparently told friends he feared he was destined to fatally OD, because he was on an alleged heroin binge 6 weeks before he died.
Sources revealed back in December Hoffman told them he had started injecting himself with heroin and couldn’t kick it.
It was also said that Hoffman said he would kick it for a few days and then fall off the wagon. In fact, he even went back to AA in a desperate attempt to clean up but failed.
Here’s the drop:
During the last 6 weeks he often looked disheveled and dirty. At one point someone asked him how bad his problem was, and he responded, “If I don’t stop I know I’m gonna die.”
We’re told Hoffman was also drinking excessively … which opened the door to many bad decisions when it came to heroin use.
Ironically and sadly, we’re told Hoffman went to AA meetings over the last 4 years and was considered a “guru,” because he had been sober for so long. Hoffman would give inspirational talks to people who attended.
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