Peter Thomas Still Being Blasted For Back Rent
While Cynthia Bailey is being accused of fraud for her Bailey Agency her husband Peter Thomas is still catching flack for allegedly owing $100,000 in back rent for his BarOne property.
According to reports the Real Housewives of Atlanta husband Peter Thomas has not paid rent to the owners of the property for the Atlanta night spot Bar One. However, Peter Thomas begs to differ and claims that he has paid them, but the owners have not given his checks to the bank.
We know something sounds wrong, but what has caught’s attention is the mention of an Atlanta HouseHusbands spinoff in the AJC which reads:
“…happened to catch Peter shooting a possible spin-off show for Bravo featuring the “Real Housewives of Atlanta” husbands/fiances, including Todd Tucker, Gregg Leakes, Apollo Nida and him. They had all the windows blocked off because it was daytime and the shoot was supposed to be at night. (The magic of reality TV!)” NOTE: This COULD be the Kandi/Todd wedding spinoff…and not a HouseHusbands show.
What’s even more interesting than that little blurb about a possible HouseHusbands spinoff… were a few of the comments:
“Bar One needs to go away. The employees say they are barely getting paid and when they are it’s very late. It’s a night club surrounded by family neighborhoods in a totally different demographic than the club draws. There is no management of traffic or safety for the clients or residents because of how poorly Bar One is run. He clearly doesn’t know how to manage money or a business since every business he has ever operated has gone under. If the bank approves his application, they are the biggest fools. And I can assure you the neighborhoods around it will continue to push for a more appropriate business for the area.
“Peter is not doing a thing. The bank of Cynthia Bailey is trying to save this bar, Peter has not had a thing since they married. It’s amazing to me how manly he comes off when really he a chick being taken care of by his woman. Cynthia is the provider, the cover and the rescuer in this marriage. I don’t understand Cynthia, this man as not an assest, he’s a liability. Get out of this marriage, find you a real man that really got it going on and enjoy the rest of your life the way you should, you worked too hard for your money to see it flying out the window daily. This man has a horrible bad luck cloud that follows him when it comes to business, he is incapable of being successful in business, it’s not in his DNA. Admirer his tenacity though but he needs to quit. he’s horrible.”
Thoughts? – #CelebsAreCoolRight
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