Party Down South Recap: It’s A Puke and Pee Party
Last nights episode of Party Down South showed us another inside look at the live of everyone’s favorite sourrtherners getting their drink on and on and on…
Picking up from last week we find poor heartbroken Lyle not handling the fact that Mattie is newely single and ready to mingle? No Peacock that is!
See Mattie was out sharken with Lauren to hook some sharks at the bar, but Lyle’s jealousy overtook him and turned him into a b-tch whinning about loving Mattie. He was pissed all the guys wer grinding on her so instead of being a man and telling her he walked outside like a little girl stomping her feet yipping “I wanna go home.”
Later his roomies show up and Lyle is already Mattie’s bed so as usual they cuddle. Down the hall Lil Bit and Daddy are in bed together hung way way over so Daddy decides to have a puke bonding moment with her saying that “friends that puke together stay together,” which is at least one way of looking at friendship. – It’s a Party Down South thang!!! #PukeBuddies4Life #CuddleStupid
The next morning Lyle is all better. Mattie and Murry are off to work.
Fast forward to the next night, the roomies head out for drinks and Mattie and Lauren scheme to see if Lyle is a sprung on her because she’s NOT fond of his jealousy. She plans to mess with Lyle so she and Lauren head out for another night of sharken and it works Mattie hooks herself 6 sharks and ends up taking one home for a makeout session the drives Lyle over the edge.
Back at the house Lyle is having a meltdown, Mattie is getting wild with her shark – after she is done she heads back up to her bed and Lyle is in there again so they cuddle. Man Lyle is a pathetic excuse for a man.
The next day they head back to the river house to go mudding. Lyle flounders as a 4 wheeler so Walt gets behind the wheel and tears ish up and turns Tiffany on. She wants Walt to drive her like he’s mudding.
Back at the house Daddy, Murray and Walt are out back around the fire drinking burs with the bong and talking about pissing but no one wants to move, so Daddy pees his pants. Murry follows his lead then Walt and – Lyle walks up and he pees too. Just another bonding moment with the crew of Party Down South. #PeeIsBonding #DaddyLovesPee
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