Party Down South 2 Recap: Bradley & Raven SPLIT!!!
On Party Down South 2 Recap: Bradley & Raven relations looks like it’s coming to an end after Bradley & Raven just wanna have fun apart.
Dating – either it sucks or it rocks!
See, during the last episode in the midst of the mix Duke had to rush home for a family emergency when his Grand Daddy dies, Bradley admitted flirting with a hot bartender and Raven said she was done with his antics. Meanwhile Kelsie finds herself struggling as the new girl in the house, but is Kelsie and Hunter the new item?
Take a look:
On tonight’s episode labeled “Girls Night Out” Raven states she NEEDS her space from Bradley, so the guys stay home and Party Down South.
Since season 2 of Party Down South 2 kicked off love birds Bradley and Raven have been on rocky waters. The two rushed into a relationship after season 1 wrapped and now it looks like the two Partiers are finally realizing that being together is TOXIC.
Hunter, Ashton and the rest of the house is NOT in the mood for a lovers war like Daddy and Lil Bit. You saw how Daddy got on season 3 of Party Down South. We hope Bradley doesn’t follow suit.
Last week, you might say Bradley brought this on himself after he got a female bartenders phone number throwing Raven into a sea of spite! Raven gets back at Bradley with a DJ during the girls night out which pits the reality TV couple against each other. Do they NEED to Couples Therapy on VH1? We say NO WAY, these’s are NOT for each other. Bradley came on the show straight out of a relationship, so its more like Raven is his rebound, which NEVER works.
Hopefully down the road these two can be friends again, but for now, watch Bradley’s jealous get out of control with Raven’s flirting at the bar, leading to one of the hardest decisions the couple will make. Watch as it’s time for payback, Raven style:
We think what she did was underhanded, because she should have at least admitted what she did, but she doesn’t and any man would be out.
What do you think?