The NY Times Correct 161 Yr Old Mistake
160 years ago The New York Times has published an article about Solomon Northup, the man whose story would be told in the film 12 Years a Slave.
Solomon Northup memoirs which chronicled his journey from being a free man and sold into slavery was written about in the NY Times back in 1853. The newspaper had on Monday (March 3) linked to a scan of its 1853 article about the man whose memoir 12 Years a Slave was adapted into the Best Picture-winning movie at this year’s Oscars.
Thanks to a curious mind learned that a woman on Twitter exposed The NY Times for mispelling Solomon’s last name.
Readers looking at the archive piece had contacted the newspaper about the misspelling of Northup’s name and it yesterday (March 4) printed a full correction. [Read the original 1853 New York Times article in FULL HERE!]
The Times owned up to the mispelling and released this statement:
“An article on Jan. 20, 1853, recounting the story of Solomon Northup, whose memoir 12 Years a Slave became a movie 160 years later that won the best picture Oscar at the 86th Academy Awards on Sunday night, misspelled his surname as Northrop.”
And the headline misspelled it as Northrup. The errors came to light on Monday after a Twitter user pointed out the article in The Times archives.
“(The errors notwithstanding, The Times described the article as ‘a more complete and authentic record than has yet appeared.’)”
Who knew that Soloman’s memoirs would speak so loud for Black History and with 12 Years A Slave winning the Oscar our schools systems will finally be teaching students about Soloman Northup’s true life experience. is happy change is beginning with American history.
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