Nick Gordon Desperate To See Bobbi Kristina!!!
The Bobbi Kristina Brown Estate is currently suing her boyfriend Nick Gordon, the family hates him and now Nick Gordon Desperate To See Bobbi Kristina.
Despite the fact that the family is pointing the finger at Nick Gordon and an alleged attempted murder case, Bobbi Kristina’s boyfriend (Whitney’s adopted son) is heard to be holding out hope of seeing Bobbi Kristina one last time. has this report via People Magazine.
A source close to Gordon’s family tells People:
“He is heartbroken and grieving. He truly wanted to see her.”
“Nick was holding out hope that he would see her one final time. He is very emotional.”
Don’t you just love sources and how they always seem to be in the know and no one else is, sometime even the person they are talking about.
We love sources in the media, there so informed.