Nick Gordon Blocked From Bobbi Kristina Brown’s Funeral?!?
Yes it’s true, Nick Gordon Blocked From Bobbi Kristina Brown’s Funeral and Nick is apparently begging the family to allow him to attend.
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Currently, Nick Gordon is under investigation for manslaughter of his girlfriend, in Bobbi Kristina’s death. But that hasn’t stopped Nick from sending out emails. See, Nick sent an email to Bobby Brown and Pat Houston begging to attend Bobbi Kristina’s funeral, insisting she would want him there.
The email reads in part:
“I loved Krissi with all my heart and I am destroyed that she is gone and I need to say goodbye.”
“I’m begging you both to please put your differences aside and allow me this chance.”
“Krissi loved me very much and she would want me there.”
There has been no word on the families answer, but as it remains, Nick Gordon is LOCKED OUT of the funeral despite Bobbi Kristina’s prior requests, (before passing).
Do you think Nick should be able to go to Krissy’s funeral?