(CelebNMusic247-News) New Star Wars Film Every Year Starting 2015!
Disney announced today at CinemaCon that, starting in 2015, a new Star Wars film will be released every summer, alternating between main story episodes and stand alone movies.
Talks about the never-ending franchise and more possible themed rides at Disneyland?
It has Luke and Han so excited that the keep want to hug and cheer!
Star Wars will kick off the launch of the begin with JJ Abrams’ Episode VIIinstallment, set for a 2015 summer release. While no casting announcements have been made, the return of the original trilogy’s main trifecta has been revealed to be returning.
I’m excited to report this because I can’t wait to see Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill reprise their roles! And you are too!
Will you be lining up on that faithful Thursday night before the next trilogy starts?
And can there ever be enough Star Wars? (Ask us again in 2025!)
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