Nelly: ‘Who Knew I Had This Kinda Power’

Nelly-Sets Record Straight-on-Mayweather-0502-4

Nelly: ‘Who Knew I Had This Kinda Power’

In a new sideways apology, Nelly responds with a Statement to Floyd Mayweather and all the guys exes he’s kicked it with.

Yeah, Nelly is coming off like he’s the man and he just can’t help his natural charm and good looks. Do you blame him? Have you seen how Nelly is looking these days ladies?


Cornell Iral Haynes, Jr. aka Nelly continues to respond to the Floyd Mayweather stating that he didn’t realize how much power he holds. 

The  St. Louis native adds on his Twitter account, saying:

Cornell Iral Haynes, Jr. aka Nelly adds:

Nelly-Sets Record Straight-on-Mayweather-0502-5